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Business Plan

Combining the art and science of optimal performance.

At RSG Performance, we develop human capital. Through our coaching, we cultivate the leadership skills that are vital to employee satisfaction, wellbeing, production and retention. Our experiential programs are designed to solve issues upstream, impacting company culture and employee mental health in the most positive ways.

Areas of Focus
Productivity - Overwhelmingly, training participants say that their focus, attention and overall productivity increases through our coaching experiences. 

Teamwork - Not only are they more productive as individuals, team engagement increases and the culture of the organization is impacted positively. 

Resilience - At the heart of our programming is evidence-based practices that improve attention, high-performance habits, and the ability to remain calm and focused under stress; all components of resilience.



Responsible for the growth and culture of your organization?


Challenged with leading your team to the top? 


Looking to improve your mental fitness?

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